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The Shama's

"My wife and I are repeat customers of Marc Sowers. Two years ago he redesigned, made and installed new cabinets in our Albuquerque kitchen, and now he is doing the same for our kitchen out of town. Being repeat customers should say it all about Marc. He... Read More

The Fuller’s

"Our kitchen is amazing! Marc Sowers came into our home and listened with a trained ear and produced exactly what we were wanting. He was a pleasure to have in our home and someone we now consider a friend. We fully expected a remodel to come with some... Read More

The Peltier’s

"Remodeling our kitchen with the expertise of Marc Sowers was truly the experience of a lifetime. Marc Listened to what we wanted in our new kitchen, to blend the old pueblo style elements wither a contemporary European look and then clearly communicated... Read More


"Last spring my husband and I made the decision that we just finally had to remodel our kitchen in our small Placitas home. There had not been a kitchen upgrade since 1989 and we are considering putting the house on the market. We had to do an upgrade if... Read More

The Griswold’s

"Marc Sowers has an incredible talent for coming up with innovative ideas for old kitchens. He is amazingly pleasant to work with and makes every effort to ensure the client gets what they want. Given the restrictions caused by our floor plan (no room to... Read More